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Thursday, December 08, 2011

How to get localhost and username within IDL.

To get the localhost name and username within idl, you can use the get_login_info function.

IDL>help,/str, get_login_info()
** Structure <88f5c88>, 2 tags, length=24, data length=24, refs=1:
   USER_NAME       STRING    'jimp'

Sunday, November 06, 2011

How does a cryo-pump work?

Previously, I have discussed the cryotorr 8, but how does it work?
A small presentation is shown at the helix website. The cryo-pump uses helium as cooling agent. It cryo-condenses water, nitrogen and argon by frosting them on the condensation array. By using activated charcoal, it cryo-adsorbs hydrogen, helium and neon. Water is cryo-condensed on the first stage array, at ~65K. Nitrogen and argon are cryo-condensed on the second stage at ~12K. Hydrogen, helium and neon are cryo-adsorbed also on the second stage.
 By cryo-pumping, we are able to lower the pressure to ~3e-11 Torr from 8e-11 Torr.

Thursday, November 03, 2011

If there is no gas load, what is the lowest of the cryotorr 8 cryo-pump?

Following the previous post, you have installed a new cryo pump cryotorr 8 from Brooks Automation, P/N 8033170. However, the lowest temperature you get after the bake is ~13K, which is almost the same you've reached with the previous cryo-pump.
Shouldn't be lower?
Talking to the technical support, GUTS, the cryo-pump temperature of the second stage should be ~11K. However,  it could be easily 1K off and even up to 2K because the silicon diode thermometer is not calibrated. There is no clear-cut reason for a ~13K reading instead of ~11K. It could be due to the calibration curve, or it could be due to a tiny leak. I strongly recommend you to rule out the last possibility by performing an extensive leak-check.
 In the case of the second option,  where you do not have a calibration curve for the  thermometer, it is important how you read the temperature. Brooks automation recommends using a Brooks temperature indicator, P/N 8043459G001; it comes with a "standard" calibration curve. If you are using a Lakeshore 211 temperature controller, it has three different standard calibration curves corresponding to dt470, dt670 and CTI silicon diodes. You can test the display reading of a Brooks temperature indicator against the Lakeshore 211; when the Lakeshore 211 using the CTI calibration curve displays 13.4K, the Brooks temperature indicator will display 12.9K.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Plotting scientific graphs directly in latex

Previously, I have introduced the latex compiler for text formatting. By using the tikz package; its manual can be found in the CTAN site and here there are some examplesPgfplots packages uses tikz to plot scientific data (manual).

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

My cryo-pump has reduced its performance; its operational temperature and base pressure are higher. Why?

Just to restate the issue: the cryo-pump is connected to a chamber, let's say through a gate valve; after the bake the chamber is at 7e-11 Torr and the cryo-pump operational temperature is at 13.4K. You have leak checked the pump and it is ok. When you open the gate valve, the cryo-pump temperature increases to 14K and the chamber pressure drops only to 5.5e-11 Torr. Eventually it gets to 3.5e-11 Torr. However, the pump temperature slowly increases.

You've got the cryo-pump model: CryoTorr 8 and looked at the cryo-pump manual on the troubleshooting chapter, just to realize that your problem is not described there.

Then you go to the compressor manual with the compressor model: 8200. You check that the compressor static pressure of 250 psi is in the specified range: between 245 and 255 psi. Also, the nominal compressor pressure pulses between 280 and 285 psi which is also within the range given by the manual: 280 and 285psi. Finally you verify the compressor draws 7.95 A which is within the working conditions of the compressor: between 8 and 9A.

After you call the GUTS technical service (24/7/365) from Brooks Automation. They explain you that the average lifetime of the pump is around 5 years; a reduced performance is expected after this. When you give your serial number, you are pointed out that your pump is around 7 years old. These symptoms point to a seals wear off inside the cold head. The solution: either exchange the pump  or send it to them. In any case you will get a refurbished one.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Interactive science simulations

The university of colorado at Boulder has developed interdisciplinary researched-based  science simulations: PhET. They are useful to introduce different concepts but, in my opinion, they should not replace the much richer learning process through direct experience.
 Have fun!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Como dividir y multiplicar tan solo sabiendo sumar, restar y la tabla del dos

Este es un interesante capitulo del libro de Adrian Paenza sobre como multiplicar o dividir dos numeros cualquiera tan solo sabiendo sumar, restar y la tabla del dos.

Recommended earthquake safety procedures for BC, Canada

Last week was the BC shakeout: an awareness day for safety procedures during an earthquake. The basic steps are drop, cover, and hold on. A more comprehensive guide can be found on the Seven steps to earthquake safety and UBC emergency procedures for an earthquake. If you are indoors, they resume to drop, cover, and hold on.
You can check  the latest shake status for Canada here. The issue around Vancouver is that the tectonic plates are stuck so if there is a considerable earthquake it will be a big one.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Latex in the cloud

As far as I know there are three options for using latex in the cloud:
a. latexlab This is very promising; it is still in beta version and some packages are missing.
b. scribtex  It is a nice option. It has the package pgfplots and tikz working. The interface is basic.
c. verbosus Nice interface, missing pgfplots package, limited projects in free version.

I am using latexlab for latex notes on the run and keeping the files within Google docs.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Radiation map for Japan

A friend traveling to Japan asked me how safe is there after the Fukushima Nuclear disaster. This is a radiation dose map for Japan. Below, you will find a brief explanation to understand it, based on a Radiation Awareness Module from the Canadian Light Source.

Ionizing radiation is energy transmitted through a media capable to remove electrons from atoms. During its travel, some of its energy is deposited or lost into the medium. If the energy is deposited in a person, he or she receives a radiation dose.  Radiation doses are measured in milli-Sieverts (mSv). The average annual radiation dose to the general population in Canada from natural sources is about 2 mSv per person, and from human-made sources is about 0.6 mSv per person. This is a brief chart of the radiation dose a person can adsorbed from different sources.

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Sistema portátil liviano

Recientemente he descubierto un sistema operativo que arranca desde una llave usb, es confiable, y permite navegar de forma segura: Lightweight Portable Security (LPS).
Esta basado en linux, aunque el entorno simula a windows. Esta desarrollado por el departamento de defensa de los Estados Unidos (DoD) para solucionar el problema del nodo final (end of node problem). Para instalarlo pueden bajar un archivo ISO y grabarlo en un CD or en una llave USB. Para la ultima opción, use unetbootin.
Este sistema es útil porque detecta automáticamente la configuración de la computadora, no deja rastros de navegación en el disco rígido, y permite navegar de forma segura con la ultima tecnología flash y java.

Saturday, October 08, 2011

Recursos de Latex en Internet

Latex es un sistema para preparar differentes textos. (definicion en wiki)
Lo utilizo para publicaciones científicas. Uso texlive como interprete y texstudio como editor. Ambos son independientes del sistema operativo (SO). Una buena guia y manual es The Not So Short Introduction to LATEX2ε.

Con esto es suficiente para comenzar.